Managing Quilibrium Nodes: Introducing Our New Quilibrium-Optimized VDS Solutions

  • Thursday, 30th May, 2024
  • 01:45am


Recently, we have experienced a significant increase in orders accompanied by consistently high CPU usage. Upon further investigation, we discovered that many users are running Quilibrium nodes. While we are still familiarizing ourselves with this new project, we recognize the innovative potential of many cryptocurrency projects. In fact, we support over 200 cryptocurrencies through our payment processors and accommodate various cryptocurrency nodes, such as Flux nodes, on our infrastructure.

Quilibrium and Our Infrastructure

It is important to note that our Virtual Private Servers (VPS) operate using shared vCPU cores. This means that the vCPU cores are allocated across multiple clients. Under typical conditions, clients may occasionally utilize the full capacity of their vCPU cores, but it is uncommon for them to maintain such usage continuously. This model allows us to offer shared vCPU cores based on the assumption that most clients will not use their allocated CPU resources 24/7/365, which is clearly outlined in our fair use policy.

However, the extensive use of Quilibrium nodes on our infrastructure presents a unique challenge. Quilibrium nodes tend to sustain high CPU usage, typically between 50-90% or more, which exceeds our fair use guidelines. When numerous clients run these nodes simultaneously, it leads to competition for vCPU resources. This high demand for vCPU resources causes contention among nodes and other clients, ultimately impacting the overall performance and reliability of our shared vCPU environment. This results in lower performance for VMs as all nodes have to compete for vCPU resources, causing us to limit the CPU performance of Quilibrium nodes to avoid a heavy impact on our infrastructure. This has been happening at other hosting providers as well.

Quilibrium-Optimized VDS

In response to this challenge, we have launched a new Quilibrium-Optimized VDS lineup. While we continue to learn more about the specific requirements and impact of Quilibrium, this new lineup will provide dedicated cores and shared cores to your VM, ensuring significantly better performance than a fully shared environment. This setup allows us to balance the load more effectively across our hypervisors, reducing CPU steal and performance issues.

Purchase Here

To purchase a Quilibrium-Optimized VDS, please click here.

Contact Us

For bulk purchases of 20 or more, we can arrange special pricing and configurations. Additionally, we can set up dedicated servers with 1TB+ of RAM or other custom specifications. Please contact us via ticket to discuss your specific needs, and we will be happy to arrange a solution for you.

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or special requests. We are here to help!

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