VNC Not Working Print

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This article is outdated, noVNC should not have any issues anymore.


In this guide, you will learn how to fix the HTML5 noVNC client if you are having issues launching it.

Issue: Failed to connect to server

If you get this issue, don't worry, there's a very easy fix.

Go to your control panel and click on the power off button.

After this, wait for your VPS to power off.

Once your VPS has been fully powered off, then click the start button.

Now, try connecting via the VNC client and it should be working.

Issue: Authentication Error

If you get this error, your server might have been migrated over from another node. 

Go to your control panel and then click the power off button.

Now, go to settings and then VNC password on the control panel.

Set the password to something secure (you don't need to remember it) and then click "Change VNC Password".

After this, click on the Start button on the control panel.

Now, VNC should be working again.

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